
Porsche Taycan Fuel Average in Pakistan

Taycan Range by Variants

Taycan Variants Range

Porsche Taycan GTS

83.7 kWh, Automatic, Electric
450 km

Porsche Taycan 4S

83.7 kWh, Automatic, Electric
490 km

Porsche Taycan Turbo

93.4 kWh, Automatic, Electric
500 km

Porsche Taycan Turbo S

83.7 kWh, Automatic, Electric
468 km

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FAQs about Porsche Taycan Mileage

The Porsche Taycan has an estimated driving range of 450 - 500 KM.
The Porsche Taycan has a battery capacity of 83 - 93 kW/h

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