The owner just bought the car and in an hour this happned..
Atleat the engine is safe [emoji4]
Car slips due to over speed or while saving someone???
Drifting fail
Sad......Horrible to see a beauty in such condition.
drifting a boxster??? - really??? lack of oxygen to brain due to roza?
Drifting a car with engine at rear and this happens
It doesn't look brand new car, "an hour" used car..
Yes bro he brought a second hand car and was testing it he was the new owner for just one hour when this happened..
He must be new to rear wheel drive cars, may Allah bless him and may he be able to recover his loss...
This is not a rear engine car
maybe a selfie accident or a "girlfreind problem" accident.
Why automatically assume the driver was showing off ? What if he was trying to save someone by crashing it into the tree
Did air bags deploy?
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Y do u want to check the auction sheet.It isn't a JDM by the way
Pakistani awam They are ALWAYS happy at someones loss. But their day will come soon when people would be laughing at their losses.
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did it really happened in LAHORE, PAKISTAN ??? in few days before last week last month etc ??? ??