alto fallen from the bridge while it was overspeeding 3 people including 1 girl died in that crash
really sad
thats sad.
OUCH..... may their soul rest in peace
its bad
CH CH! Drive safe guys!
people said that alto fall on the girl and two men girl died but the both men injured ... there were three people on the car two of them died on spot and the third one is critical
too bad to see
bad one:S
allah rehem kare sab per....!!
Woaaah ... I mean ... talk about nutty driving!
bad crash
very sad
really bad ALLAH rehem karay....or JANNaT naseeb karaydrive safe guys...
so sad
Really bad...Allah khair kare aur Janat naseeb kare whoever died in dat bad accident
DRIVE SAFE ......... YOUR CAR IS FOR TRAVEL PURPOSES ....... NOT FOR SPEEDING ......... May there souls rest in piece.... All brothers ......... please do not overspeed .... PLEASE