Zenith Irfan Is A Female Rider On The Storm From Pakistan

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She is highly passionate with her own powerful and different agenda, she is only twenty years old, but her even sky is not the limit for such passionate people. Zenith Irfan is ready to beat up the drums soon and wishes to travel around the globe as her father wished it as-well. And more interestingly, she is not a pilot or a train runner, but a crazy yet charming bike rider who has recently completed her first road trip on Motorcycle along the Kashmir Belt.

Through the mountains of Kashmir and Karakoram, this life-challenging journey for a girl in Pakistan is not less than a dangerous adventurous experience. Zenith’s ride across the world’s highest paved road was not just adventure, it was a message of peace and that Pakistani girls can ride motorcycles without any fear of being harassed. In her own words, “I hope to be an inspiration to all aspiring female riders in South Asia specifically.”

On 14th of June ’15, I vowed to travel amongst the mountains of Kashmir. Little did I know, that my decision would leave a profounding impact on my heart and soul.With barely enough sleep and a backpack, I closed my eyes and kick-started my Honda CD -70. What I was about to experience was spiritual cleansing on a whole new level.

I had little experience in hand about riding on highways, however; I knew I had to do it. I had to do it for myself, my father, for my riding spirit. From the breaking down of my motorcycle till the headaches I got in the sun, I made it. I finally reached the Kashmir’s capital; Muzaffarabad. 700+ km, and I won. In the eyes of those who considered me of lesser strength. Who said I could not ride 20km continuously, I won. I proved the world, I was no different and that a woman like me can, in fact, ride a motorcycle.

Zenith Irfan’s Blog

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While, sharing her incredible experience, Zenith tells on her facebook page; “I met this tribe en route to Sharda, Kashmir. On conversing with the women, I discovered that they were from Jhelum who had come to Kashmir on foot to graze their cattle. On asking them as to where they were headed, the woman replied casually saying she was going to Deosai Plains. I was left astounded by her reply. These women have immense strength and their children hold even more. They are far from the apprehensive and tense air of city life living in profound harmony, surrendering their lifestyle to Mother Nature itself.”

Related: Pakistani Rider On The Storm

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Zenith is motivated for her coming up biking trips, “I will be going to another motorcycle tour in the coming week”, and we wish her well for all the trips in her future as she represents the bright future this country after our dark times.

Captured en route to Upper Neelam Valley kashmir views zenith irfan 2


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  1. usman niazi says

    what bike is that?

  2. Usman Haider Sheikh says

    a cd70 and a suzuki gs150

  3. Guest says

    Where did she get her driving license? Given our cultural status quo, probably she faced some hurdles and insensitive remarks and also well-intentioned advice on why girls shouldn’t get a license for 2-wheeler.
    Her narrative would make a unique topic for PW blog and also some encouragement for other girls/education for the masses.

  4. Pakistan Bikers Club says

    Good Luck & RIDE SAFE

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