United introduces new features in Bravo and jacks up its price!

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United Motors (Private) Limited has introduced new and improved features in its 800 cc hatchback Bravo and also revised the price by PKR 60,000 with effect from 15th October 2019.

According to the details, United Motors has come up with new features for its customers, but that too at the expense of a price hike. United Bravo was a breakthrough hatchback in the 800 cc category that was highly anticipated on its launch. It was the first car in this category after Suzuki’s iconic Mehran, which remained in production for over three decades. United Motors has issued a notification to all its authorized dealers across the country, which reveals the new and improved features in the company’s first car in Pakistan. The new features of United Bravo include:

  • Matching Side View Mirrors
  • Matching Door Handles
  • New Enriched Seat Fabrics
  • Spare Wheel
  • Three new exterior colors

The hatchback was initially launched without the provision of a spare wheel. However, the company has now provided it along with several other features. The hatchback was previously available in three colors, i.e. White, Silver Metallic, and Gray Metallic. The new colors of Bravo now include:

  1. Royal Blue
  2. Beige Metallic
  3. Maroon Metallic

The customers will now have more variety of colors to choose from. Furthermore, the auto manufacturer has also started taking bookings for Bravo at PKR 200,000. According to a dealership of United Motors, the delivery time of the hatchback is 20-25 days from the date of booking. The price of Bravo is also revised by PKR 60,000, and the new ex-factory price is PKR 985,000. Note here that this price is inclusive of the Federal Excise Duty (FED) of 2.5% imposed by the government on cars of 1000 cc and below engine capacity. However, other charges, including advance tax and freight charges for any particular city, are exclusive of the above-mentioned price. This price applies to all cars produced from 15th October onwards. The automaker’s official circular is attached below for details:

According to the notification, the new stock of United Bravo will be dispatched from 20th October 2019. As per the dealership, the 800 cc hatchback will reach the showrooms around the 25th of this month, where customers can see the improved model. The company is also reportedly coming up with a marketing campaign for its hatchback. On the other hand, the quality of hatchback was widely criticized by consumers who believe that the material used is not of good quality. The company has now reacted to the consumer’s complaints and is in the process of improving the quality of their only car in the local sector.

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  1. Nasir Marfani says

    lets be clear pakwheels, painted side mirrors or locks or a spare tire are not called “new features” please

  2. Fayyaz Baig says

    Such a disappointing article. Matching side View mirror and door handles and colours are not new features. Pakwheels is loosing quality content day by day. I could spot the paid review from the writing.

  3. Captain Faraz says

    What type is this …. ridiculous….. did u get money from United Motors?

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