Is it 6th? Another Dealership Resigns from Proton Pakistan

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So the domino effect continues as another dealership, this time quite a major one, resigned from Proton Pakistan/Al-Haj Automotive. It is important to note that five dealerships from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and Faisalabad have taken the same steps in last few months, citing unprofessionalism, no information on deliveries, repeated revision of prices despite late deliveries, and price revisions even after receiving full customer payments by the car company as major reasons of these resignations.

New Resignation 

The latest one is from Apollo Motors from Karachi. Sharing the reasons, the dealership told the primary issues originating from Al-Haj Automotive’s actions, such as unkept commitments, vehicle delivery delays, outstanding refunds, and dishonoring of cheques by banks issued by Al-Haj Automotive, have collectively eroded the goodwill and reputation that Apollo Motors had cultivated over three decades in the automobile sector.

“Because of non-availability of vehicles, the dealership incurred heavy financial losses. It is with deep regret that we find ourselves in a position where such circumstances cannot be tolerated, condoned or sustained by us” the statement read.

In its message to the customers, Apollo Motors’ management stated the customers are informed that all refund payments, pending deliveries, and other financial liabilities are the sole responsibility of Al-Haj Automotive. “All customers are asked to visit Al-Haj Automotive’s head office and resolve their queries regarding refunds and deliveries, as the company is directly sending letters/correspondence to customers,” the statement concluded.

This is a very grave situation for both the company and its customers because these resignations will continue to shake the consumers’ trust and credibility of the car assembly company in the local market. The more problematic aspect of this whole issue is that the company seems unable to resolve the issue of deliveries of its crossover SUV, even to the customers who booked the vehicle way back in 2020.

What is your take on continuous resignations of dealerships from Proton Pakistan? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.


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  1. Waqas says

    Again, Proton should change partners in Pakistan or they are doomed

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