Toyota Increased Corolla Altis 1.8 CVT Price

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Indus Motor Company (IMC) has increased the price of its Corolla Altis 1.8 CVT. This hike comes days after the company increased the prices of Corolla 1.6 CVT, Corolla 1.6 CVT (Special Edition), and three variants of Toyota Hilux Revo up to Rs. 700,000. In the last notification, the company stated. “In addition, the uncertainties in forex fluctuations, increase in utilities and overheads have also impacted the cost of manufacturing; thus IMC is compelled to pass on some impact to the market.” 

New Price of Corolla Altis 1.8 CVT

As per the company notification, the new price of Corolla Altis 1.8 CVT is Rs. 5,639,000 compared to the old Rs. 5,269,000, meaning the rate has been increased by Rs. 370,000. 

The new ex-factory price will be effective on all new orders on or after November 29, 2022. 

The company said that due to economic uncertainties and inflation in raw material cost, the vendor cost of production has signification increased. “In addition, the volatile situation of Forex, increase in utilities and overheads have also impacted the cost of manufacturing for IMC. Thus, this situation has made it extremely difficult for IMC to hold the current retail selling prices, and therefore, we are compelled to pass on some impact to the market,” the statement read. 

Terms and Conditions

  • All Corolla 1.8 CVT orders as of November 28, 2022, will be invoiced as per the previous price, with full payment paid on or before December 20, 2022.
  • The prices are exclusive of transportation, transit insurance charges, etc. 
  • The customer will pay any impact on prices due to changes in Forex, government levies (including FED, CVT), tariff fiscal policies, import policies, etc. 
  •  The above price is provisional, and prices at the delivery time will be applicable. 
  • The price is ex-factory Karachi, per unit inclusive of 17% Sales Tax, applicable FED, 1% CVT, and Dealer’s Commission. 

What do you think about the new price of the Corolla Altis 1.8 CVT? Do you think it is justified? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. 

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  1. Waqas says

    Increasing the price of Corolla Altis is just giving room for the Hyundai Elantra GL for the price of 5 100 000 PKR, Elantra is cheaper and have a 1.6L engine and with an automatic gearbox. The Automatic gearbox is not a CVT in Hyundai Elantra.

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