Price & Arrival Details of New Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6 CVT

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A couple of weeks ago, Toyota Pakistan made a sudden but pleasant announcement as it launched the new variant of the Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6 CVT. There are three major changes in the new car: 

  • New design of Alloy Wheels 
  • New CVT Transmission 
  • New Alpine infotainment touchscreen

You can see the photos of the new offer by Toyota Pakistan, here. 

The new design of alloy rims is chic and sleek, enhancing the overall look of the car’s exterior. The new rims are in a silver and black combination. Meanwhile, the new touchscreen beautifies the interior of the vehicle, giving it a modern look, and hopefully, the performance of this system will also be upgraded. 

Last but not least, the CVT transmission will make the drive smoother and more enjoyable. The CVT transmission ensures the owner a much better driving experience on short and long routes. This new Corolla will be smoother with an upgraded driving experience, and most importantly, it will increase the fuel average. The auto experts believe this car’s mileage within the city will easily reach 13/14 km/liter. 

Price of Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6 CVT

The car has two variants and ex-factory prices of these two sedans are: 

  • Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6 CVT Rs. 4,979,000
  • Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6 CVT (Special Edition) Rs. 5,479,000

Arrival Status

As per market sources, the company will start dispatching the new variant to its dealerships across the country from December 30 or 31, 2022. “Expectedly, the new variant will arrive in Lahore during next week,” the sources added. 

This is an exciting new addition to the sedan category in Pakistan and a fresher amid all the uncertainties and difficulties for the automobile industry. 

What do you think about the new variant? Would it be another hit by Toyota Pakistan? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. 

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