15-Year-Old Girl Wins Swabi Water Cross Jeep Race

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The 11th Indus Water Cross Jeep Rally was held on Sunday in Swabi and a 15-year-old girl beat everyone! The 4×4 Frontier Club organized the Swabi jeep race rally, where 70 drivers from across the country participated. Out of these 70 driers, 4 were women!

A three-kilometer-long track was prepared for this Swabi Jeep race. The 15-year-old Bibi Ayesha won first place in the female category of the race, which was quite impressive. Several onlookers witnessed the teenager beating her competitors for the top position. This not only paints a good picture of female drivers in Pakistan but is also a testament to the potential these young girls have in professional jeep rallies.

Swabi Water Cross Jeep Race

The event also had other winners as it had different categories. Dr. Tahir took the first prize in the male category, while in the Youth category of the Swabi Water Cross Jeep Race, Beryal Khan bagged the first position.

Regarding the success of the event, Swabi deputy commissioner Nasarullah said that the event would send a strong message to the world that Pakistan was a peaceful country and its people loved sports.

He said more such events would be organized to give people the opportunity of tourism.

More of these rallies are being held in Pakistan to attract tourists as well as to cater to auto enthusiasts. People from all over Pakistan attend these rallies to see the cutthroat competition. Whether these rallies are in the deserts of Thal or in the waters of Swabi, it is a treat to experience them.

In a separate rally named Thar Flood Relief Jeep Rally 2023, organized by Sindh Motorsports, Sahibzada Sultan won the final round. This rally was specially organized to raise funds for the flood afflicted Pakistanis. The goal of this rally was to distribute the prize money of the three-day rally event among the flood victims of the country.

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