Honda CD 70 Gets a ‘Major Upgrade’

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In global auto industry, upgrades in two-wheelers came with prime upgrades enhancing performance and design in conjunction with other machinal and structural changes. But here in Pakistan, the two-wheelers enthusiasts are facing a different fate.

Bike manufacturers in the country just come with superficial alterations boasting mere cosmetic adventure rather than substantial upgrades.

Making it simple, if a company brings a new model, it means a two-wheeler with a splash of paint, maybe a fancy design thrown in for good measure or a brand-new sticker slapped on the same old ride.

Therefore, for those seeking genuine innovation, these updates may evoke a sense of old practice, as the core mechanics of the bike remain largely unchanged.

The ‘Major Upgrade’

In a recent move, Atlas Honda recently announced their latest innovation for the CD 70 lovers – drumroll please – the ‘Race Cone Set’! Wow, sounds futuristic, doesn’t it? Well, not really.

According to their social media post, this Race Cone Set promises the moon and stars: upgraded material, improved handle movement, comfort, and smoother rides.

The post read:

‘Gear up for an enhanced ride with our upgraded Race Cone Set! Experience smoother handling, improved comfort, and efficient movement.’

So, dear CD 70 enthusiasts, strap on your helmets and brace yourselves for the ‘revolutionary’ Race Cone Set. And hey, if you’re not satisfied, don’t worry – maybe next year they’ll introduce CD70 with ‘Turbocharged Engine’.

Are Things Ever Going to Change?

The motorcycle manufacturers in the country seems to be stuck in a cycle of mediocrity, relying on superficial changes to keep riders interested. It’s almost as if they believe a fresh paint job is enough to distract from the lack of true innovation.

Are we going to keep seeing the same old stuff, or is there hope for something new? It’s up to you, bike makers. Will you step up and give us something fresh, or are we going to keep riding down the same old road? We’re waiting to see what you’ll do next!

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